I also don't want me to be doing what I'm doing

30 year old queer guy who does illustration, cosplay, writing, rp and a lot of yelling.

Before You Follow

-this twitter is SFW (mostly) but i follow & interact with people who post NSFW. please use caution. I also have an NSFW acct that I will give to trusted people over the age of 18 for my spicy hcs/art/retweets. if you follow my NSFW and you're under 18 or you don't have an age in your bio, I will block you.-proship, no harassment, no judgement, i love horror and kink, i think anything can be handled responsibly in fiction with tagging and proper content warnings. if i catch you parroting anti shit i will block you.-however: if you're a grown adult who keeps picking slapfights with teenagers over cartoon ships, or if you're constantly QRT'ing bad takes to dunk on them, i will also block you. regardless of if you're proship. go outside. touch some grass. block people. stop making me look at bad opinions. i'm old.-no gatekeeping, no radfem shit. i'm queer. transmeds/truscum, exclus, aphobes, etc please leave, this ain't the place for you. if i catch you spouting that shit I will block you.-in general don't be rude or i will block you.-i am 30 years old. i am too old to give a shit about.... pretty much anything. i really prefer to make friends with old people like me. i am open about my age and I have 0 intent to How Do You Do Fellow Kids. please do me the courtesy of being up front about yours. once again, if I find you're a kid and you've lied about your age, I will block you AND i will tell everyone on the TL.-i reply to like everything and post a lot of big enthusiastic threads and try to make friends. i'm super friendly. please never feel obligated to reply to me and please feel free to mute, unfollow, block, softblock etc to your heart's content. i don't check that stuff and i'm not really concerned with twitter numbers. in fact, we can still be friends even if you've muted/sb'd/unfollowed/etc me. i really don't mind. it's your TL, bb, you control your experience!